Poetry On The Routemasterhire Buses
Roses are red
Our buses are too
A click, Tweet or call
And here’s one for you!
Okay, I’m no Wordsworth or Pam Ayres come to that, but you get the idea. Our 1966 Routemasterhire Buses are fully equipped to cater to all your needs and desires. We work 7 days per week and because we’re well practised at what we do, we’re good at it!
Our routes include all the London sightseeing attractions, for instance, the London Eye, Big Ben, Parliament Square, Trafalgar Square, Eros and Piccadilly, to name but a few.
But don't forget for you out of towners who want to stay out of town but travel with all your friends and family in style, we're based in the Shires so we know our way around there too!
Whether it's country lanes or the bright lights of our capital city, contact us on https://www.routemasterhire.com, email on info@routemasterhire.com, let us know what you think on socialmedia@routemasterhire.com, Tweet us at https://twitter.com/Londonbushire, or phone Jen on 01707 276066, for your quote.
We look forward to hearing from you.
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